201 West Merrick Road Freeport, NY 11520
516 379-0900

Students, Families, and Staff: Please see this message from our Executive Director, Greg Ingino.

How To Contribute

Woodward Donor Recognition Tree

Grab Hold of The Vision at Woodward Children’s Center.

A specially engraved leaf, acorn or rock displayed for all to see. You may use your name or dedicate your choice in honor or memoriam to a loved one.

The support you give the Woodward Children’s Center through your donation is greatly appreciated.

To donate by credit card or PayPal please click the submit button.

$1,000. Rock
$ 750. Acorn


$500. Gold Leaf
$250. Silver Leaf
$100. Bronze Leaf

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You can also donating by check or money order using the form below.

For any questions regarding donations please contact: Greg Ingino at:

Ext. 202